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KGHM Group and Our World
Who we are
Major assets
Mining and metallurgical assets
Other assets
Our mission, vision and values
Competitive advantages of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Our stakeholders
Competitive environment in 2018
2018 macroeconomic environment
Analysis of the global market for the Group’s primary products
Market perspective
How we create value
Business model of KGHM Polska Miedź
Management principles
Group structure
Organisational structure of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Ownership structure and share price of the Company KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. on the Stock Exchange
Corporate Governance Statement
The Management Board
Supervisory Board
Changes in the Parent Entity’s bodies
Remuneration of the Parent Entity’s bodies and of other key managers of the Group
Code of the KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. Group
The code of ethics
The procedure of disclosing irregularities and protection of whistle-blowers
The anti-corruption policy
Procurement Policy
The procedure of counteracting money laundering and prevention of fraud
Anti-abuse procedure
Personal Data Protection Policy
Our Strategy
KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.’s Strategy for 2017-2021
Execution of the main strategic tasks in 2018
Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
United Nations’ sustainable development goals for 2030
Key non-financial indicators
4E Strategy
Risk Management
Comprehensive Risk Management System in the KGHM Group
Key risk factors in the Group and their mitigation
Market, credit and liquidity risk
Market risk management
Credit risk management
Financial liquidity risk and management of capital
Key risks to the competitive advantage
The system of security and loss prevention
Safty-related risks
Risks related to employees and respecting human rights
Risks related to the responsible supply chain
Risks related to Social Dialogue
Environmental impact risk borne by KGHM Group
Human Resources management
HR Policy of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
International Mobility Policy
Training Policy
Diversity Declaration
Declaration on human rights protection
HR projects
Relations with the trade unions
Occupational health and safety
Work Regulations
Company collective bargaining agreement (CCBA)
Activities on behalf of society
KGHM Group’s competition law policy
Responsible supply chain policy
Social dialogue and cooperating with local communities
Foundations, sponsorship and CSR activities
Activities on behalf of the natural environment
Environmental policy
Environmental protection
Actions to reduce environmental impact
Energy policy
Energy management system (EMS)
Operations and results in 2018
Production process
Primary Group products
Main production goals
Financial results
Strategic development directions for the KGHM Group
Separate financial statements
Selected items from the separate annual financial statement
Opinion on the financial statements
Statement of profit or loss
Statement of comprehensive income
Statement of cash flows
Statement of financial position
Statement of changes in equity
Explanatory notes
Consolidated financial statements
Selected items from the consolidated annual financial statement
Auditor's opinion on the consolidated financial statements
Consolidated Statement of profit or loss
Consolidated Statement of comprehensive income
Consolidated Statement of cash flows
Consolidated Statement of financial position
Consolidated Statement of changes in equity
Explanatory notes
Interactive data
On the report
GRI Indexes
Privacy policy
Legal informations
Previous reports
© KGHM 2019 All right reserved
KGHM Group and Our World
How we create value
Management principles
Our Strategy
Risk Management
Human Resources management
Activities on behalf of society
Activities on behalf of the natural environment
Operations and results in 2018
Separate financial statements
Consolidated financial statements
Sustainable Report of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A. for 2018
Interactive data
Revenues and expenses of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
Revenues and expenses of KGHM Polska Miedź S.A.
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